Astrid Coene-Beereboom
Zorg-Vuldig, Leiderdorp
“Support when it’s needed most.”
Providing care from 0 to 120 years
"Care organization Zorg-Vuldig provides care from 0 to 120 years, truly from cradle to grave. Our organization was founded in 2000 as a maternity care provider. Our maternity nurses support during childbirth and provide care in the first eight days after birth. Since 2003, Zorg-Vuldig has also offered home care, encompassing a wide range of services. Zorg-Vuldig provides household assistance, personal care and nursing, individual guidance, child care, and meal services," says Astrid.
Could you share something about your role within Zorg-Vuldig?
"I’ve been with Zorg-Vuldig since 2004. I initially started in care coordination and, through experience and learning, grew into HRM and finance. Together with my colleagues Marja Sinteur and Nadine van Huuksloot, we took over Zorg-Vuldig in September 2020. Since then, I’ve been the finance director and co-owner of Zorg-Vuldig. In this role, I’m responsible for all non-direct care matters, such as finances, HRM, office management, and other general tasks."
"Zorg-Vuldig currently employs 210 staff, mostly women and a few men. The workforce includes many part-time employees, spanning all ages, from students to those nearing retirement and everyone in between."
The partnership
Zorg-Vuldig started as a sole proprietorship and became a BV in 2005. As Zorg-Vuldig grew and became more professional, it required more sophisticated support. "I personally knew Kees van Leeuwen and Stolp from an administrative side job I had at the time. So, when Zorg-Vuldig was looking for a new accountant and payroll bureau, Stolp was the obvious choice."
"We’re many years in now, and we’re very satisfied with our partnership with Stolp+KAB and Audit To Be. Our payroll is very complex, and while we handle much of it ourselves, we rely on Stolp+KAB’s professionals to ensure it’s done correctly."
Partners who advise and critically review
"As a healthcare organization, we have numerous stakeholders and regulations around accountability and annual reports. Stolp+KAB and Audit To Be are our partners who advise us, stand by us, but also scrutinize and critically assess our operations."
"What works well for us is that both Stolp+KAB and Audit To Be support us as much as needed. Initially, they handled much of the work, but over time, this shifted to a more supervisory and advisory role. We aim to do as much as possible ourselves, with the right support when needed. And that’s precisely what these organizations provide. Additionally, having dedicated staff who know our operations inside out is a huge asset."
"We hope to continue working with Stolp+KAB and Audit To Be for many years!"
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