Victor van der Valk
Discare, The Hague
"With Stolp+KAB assigning a dedicated contact person, I can always reach out with my questions or any ongoing matters."
Comprehensive support for active and absent employees
Discare offers a comprehensive package for occupational health services and HRM policy. It all started in 2009 when Victor was asked if he could support some construction companies with HRM matters. He soon discovered that there was no complete package in the Netherlands that covered both absence management and support for ‘active’ employees.
This unique concept provides relief for SMEs, allowing them to focus on what they do best: running their businesses. This combination of services is a great solution for many entrepreneurs. The strong customer relationships that Victor and his team maintain contribute significantly to Discare’s success. The team consists of four freelancers, and you could say they form a true ‘family’ of colleagues.
For more information, visit: www.discare.nl
The challenge
In 2009, Victor van der Valk was asked if he could support several construction companies with HRM matters. He started his own company, Discare, offering a comprehensive package for occupational health services and HRM policy—a unique combination! He was looking for an accounting firm that met his needs, particularly for digital administration. After meeting director Michaël during a golf day in 2018, our partnership was born.
Our approach
Stolp+KAB manages Discare’s weekly administration. The Discare team, which has grown since its founding in 2009 to include four employees and eight freelancers, sends invoices to the digital mailbox of Exact Online, in a digital environment. From this environment, Stolp+KAB processes the invoices. This form of digital administration is exactly what Victor was looking for. Additionally, we handle payroll administration.
The result
Victor has a dedicated contact person at Stolp+KAB, assistant accountant Lisette. Daily communication flows through Lisette, and he can always reach out to her for ongoing matters. Victor also has one or two meetings per year with director Erwin to discuss various topics, such as dividends, and to review the annual reports. This ensures that Victor knows he can rely on us whenever he has questions or concerns.
Curious how we can help your business grow with our financial, tax, and legal services? Contact us!